Taking your vehicle to an automated car wash saves you time, which is well acknowledged among drivers. However, it is less well known that you may save money by doing so. Many falsely believe they can save money by washing your automobile at home with a bucket of water, soap, and a hose. Though an automated car wash can affect your wallet, it's more economical than cleaning your vehicle yourself. There is a considerable reduction in water use at our automated car washes compared to manually washing your vehicle. Regarding water use, most of our automated car washes use around 35 gallons per vehicle, whereas hand washing the same vehicle needs about 150 gallons. While compared to the output of an automated Car detailing Ventura, the amount of wastewater created when washing a vehicle by hand is much more.
Car Wash | Five Points Car Wash
+1 (805) 643-7715
California, Ventura, USA, 93003
car wash
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